%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Matt Bishop at 2011-09-25 16:37:22 -0700 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @string{acns2003 = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Cryptography an Network Security}} @string{aes3 = {Proceedings of the Third Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Conference}} @string{asiacrypt2009 = {Advances in Cryptology---{ASIACRYPT} 2009 Proceedings}} @string{asiacrypt91 = {Advances in Cryptology---{ASIACRYPT} '91 Proceedings}} @string{asiacrypt94 = {Advances in Cryptology---{ASIACRYPT} '94 Proceedings}} @string{asiacrypt96 = {Advances in Cryptology---{ASIACRYPT} '96 Proceedings}} @string{auscrypt90 = {Advances in Cryptology---{AUSCRYPT} '90 Proceedings}} @string{cacm = {Communications of the ACM}} @string{crypto87 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '87 Proceedings}} @string{crypto90 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '90 Proceedings}} @string{crypto91 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '91 Proceedings}} @string{crypto92 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '92 Proceedings}} @string{crypto94 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '94 Proceedings}} @string{crypto96 = {Advances in Cryptology---{CRYPTO} '96 Proceedings}} @string{eurocrypt90 = {Advances in Cryptology---{EUROCRYPT} '90 Proceedings}} @string{eurocrypt91 = {Advances in Cryptology---{EUROCRYPT} '91 Proceedings}} @string{eurocrypt93 = {Advances in Cryptology---{EUROCRYPT} '93 Proceedings}} @string{fse1 = {Proceedings of the Fast Software Encryption Cambridge Security Workshop}} @string{fse10 = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption}} @string{fse14 = {Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption}} @string{fse5 = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption}} @string{fse7 = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption}} @string{fse9 = {Proceedings of the 9th Interntional Workshop on Fast Software Encryption}} @string{iccsa2003iii = {Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Part III}} @string{lncs = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}} @string{petra1 = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments}} @string{petra2 = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments}} @string{petra3 = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments}} @string{springerverlag = {Springer-Verlag}} @string{tissec = {{ACM} Transactions on Information System Security}} @string{unixsec1 = {Proceedings of the {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec12 = {Proceedings of the 12th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec14 = {Proceedings of the 14th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec15 = {Proceedings of the 15th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec18 = {Proceedings of the 18th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec3 = {Proceedings of the 3rd {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec5 = {Proceedings of the 5th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @string{unixsec7 = {Proceedings of the 7th {USENIX} {UNIX} Security Symposium}} @inproceedings{Gates:2011aa, Address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, Author = {Carrie Gates and Matt Bishop}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance}, Date-Added = {2011-09-25 23:34:02 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-25 23:37:01 +0000}, Month = {June}, Publisher = {USENIX Association}, Title = {One of These Records Is Not Like the Others}, Url = {http://www.usenix.org/events/tapp11/tech/final_files/Gates.pdf}, Year = {2011}, Abstract = {This position paper argues the need to develop provenances, and provenance systems, in such a way that errors in the provenance (whether deliberate or not) can be detected and corrected. The requirement that a provenance have high assurance leads to some suggestions about the way a provenance should be constructed.}, Bdsk-File-1 = {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}}