
I try to be involved in the community. Here are some of the ways I do this.
- July 2020: IFIP International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2020); program committee
- June 2020: 19th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2020); program committee
- May 2020: 2020 Workshop on Cyber Resilient Supply Chain Technologies (CReSCT 2020); program committee
- May 2020: 13th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE 2020); program committee
- Apr. 2020: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; program committee
- Feb. 2020: 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy; program committee
- Jan. 2020: 53rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-53); Insider Threat minitrack co-chairperson
- Conferences from years past
Professional Organizations
- ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- IEEE Computer Society
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
- Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education
- Usenix Association
Technical Advisory Boards
- None currently; happy to talk!
Academic Advisory Boards
- Advisory Board to “Collaborative Research: NRT: Cyber-Physical-Social System for Understanding and Thwarting the Ilicit Economy,” NSF award DGE-1828462 to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (P.I. Jon Keller, co-P.I. Grant Crawford)
University Matters
- University Committee on Academic Computing and Communications
- Member, 2015–2017, 2018–2019
- Academic Senate Committee on Information Technology
- Chairperson, 2015–2017, 2018–2019
- Member, 2017–2018
- Faculty Advisory Board, UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education
- Member, 2017–2019
- CIO Strategic Advisory Council
- Member, 2016–2019
- College of Engineering Information Technology Shared Services Advisory Board
- Chairperson, 2016–2018
- Member, 2013–2019
- Institutional representative to the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P)
- UC Davis Institutional Representative, 2002–current
- Member at Large of the I3P Executive Committee, 2013–current
Civic Matters
- A letter to DHS about their demanding passwords to enter the U.S. (February 21, 2017) (The Center for Democracy & Technology prepared the letter; I was one of the signers)
- Legal brief on the Apple/FBI case (March 22, 2016) (The Electronic Frontier Foundation prepared the brief; I was one of the amici)
- Encryption Letter to President Obama (May 19, 2015) (The Open Technology Institute prepared the letter; I was one of the signers)
- Member, California Cybersecurity Workforce Development and Education; member, Objective 2.3 (Undergraduate/ Graduate State and Private Schools) working group (2014–current)
- Letter to the EAC (October 13, 2009) (Aaron Burstein and Joe Hall wrote this; I was one of the signers. Normally, I don't sign things like this, but the misstatement of the results of the Top to Bottom Review seemed to me so egregious that I felt I had to)
- Letter in support of a proposed exemption to the DMCA (February 1, 2009) (J. Alex Halderman wrote this; I was one of the signers)
- Member, Electronic Recording Delivery Act (ERDA) Advisory Committee, Office of the Attorney General, California (2008–current)
- Co-author, paper on election forensics
- Testimony before the California State Senate Elections and Reapportionment Committee on SB 1723 (May 7, 2004) [PDF]
Other Stuff
- Interview by the Cybersecurity Guide
- Outstanding Teacher of the Year, College of Engineering, University of California at Davis (2015)
- Senior Member, Applied Computer Security Associates (2014–current)
- Seems I was named in’s list of “35 Best Computer Security Professors of 2013”
- Founder’s Award, Colloquium for Information Systems Security (2009)
- Shot by the Silver Bullet
- Letter to the Editor, Davis Enterprise, July 2, 2006
- Academia Award, Colloquium for Information Systems Security (2006)
- Founder of the USENIX UNIX Security Workshop, first held in 1988 (and now the USENIX Security Symposium — my, how our academic children grow!)