
These are some of the talks I’ve given (or presented with others). I’m adding to them slowly, so if you see something you want but it isn’t there, let me know.
- “Secure Programming A Way of Life (or Death)”,
presented at the Colloquium on Information System Security Education (CISSE 2017),
on June 13, 2017
Slides available in [HTML] [PDF] [PS] - “Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines”,
presented at the Colloquium on Information System Security Education (CISSE 2017),
on June 13, 2017
Slides available in [HTML] [PDF] [PS] - “Evaluating Secure Programming Knowledge”,
presented at the Tenth World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE 10),
on May 30, 2017
Corresponding paper
Slides available in: [HTML] [PDF] [PS] - “Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines”,
presented at the Tenth World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE 10),
on June 13, 2017
Corresponding paper
Slides available in [HTML] [PDF] [PS] - “Resilience and Security”,
presented at the 12th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 12),
on March 3, 2017
Slides available in [HTML] [PDF] [PS] - “Applied Agile Research for Cybersecurity”,
presented at the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 50),
on January 7, 2017
Corresponding paper
Slides available in [HTML] [PDF] [PS]
- M. Bishop, “The Threat of the Insider Threat”,
UC Davis Health System,
Sacramento, CA (Oct. 2011)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop, “Robust Programming”,
UC Computer Security Conference,
Davis, CA (June 2011)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop, “Computers and Elections: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”,
Florida Institute of Technology,
Melbourne, FL (Feb. 2011)
- M. Bishop,
“Principles and their Use”,
Common Body of Knowledge for Software Assurance Workshop,
Monterey, CA (Feb. 2006)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - The Participants of the Security Breakout Sessions,
“Report from GENI Day 1”,
GENI Town Hall Meeting,
San Francisco, CA (July 2006)
PRESENTERS: M. Bishop and D. Frincke - D. Frincke, M. Bishop. C.-N. Chuah, and K. Levitt,
“GENI and Security”,
GENI Town Hall Meeting,
San Francisco, CA (July 2006)
PRESENTERS: M. Bishop and D. Frincke - M. Bishop, R. Crawford, B. Bhumiratana, L. Clark, and K. Levitt,
“Some Problems in Sanitizing Network Data”,
15th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies:
Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2006),
Security Technologies Workshop (ST),
Manchester University, Manchester, UK (June 2006)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop,
“E-Voting Machines: Measuring What?”,
Threat Analyses for Voting System Categories:
A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods (VSWR 2006),
George Washington University, Washington DC, USA (June 2006)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop and S. Engle,
“Software Assurance CBK and University Curricula”,
The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE 2006),
Adelphi, MD, USA (June 2006)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop and B. J. Orvis,
“A Clinic to Teach Good Programming Practices”,
The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE 2006),
Adelphi, MD, USA (June 2006)
PRESENTER: M. Bishop - M. Bishop,
“Teaching Assurance Using Checklists”,
Seventh Workshop on Education in Comuter Security (WECS 7),
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (Jan. 2006)
- M. Bishop,
“Security and Standards; Or, What Should This System Do
and How Well Does It Do That”
California E-Recording Summit: Implementing the Electronic Recording Delivery Act,
Sacramento, CA (Feb. 2006)
- M. Bishop,
“Electronic Voting”
Computer Security Laboratory Seminar,
Davis, CA (Feb. 2004)