Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines

Abstract. The goal of the Joint Task Force on Cybersecurity Education is to develop comprehensive curricular guidance in cybersecurity that will support future program development and associated educational efforts. This effort is a collaboration among the ACM, the IEEE Computer Society, the AIS Special Interest Group on Security and Privacy (SIGSEC), the IFIP WG 11.8, and the Cyber Education Project. In January 2017, the Joint Task Force released a draft of those guidelines. This talk describes the framework underlying the guidelines, examines one set of topics, and then places this work in the context of an exemplary curriculum on cybersecurity education.

Author: Matt Bishop, Diana Burley, and the members of the JTF
Given at: 2017 Colloquium for Information System Security Education
Date: June 13, 2017

No corresponding paper

First slide (slide 1)
Last slide (slide 26)

Slides in PDF and PS


Slide 1: Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines
Slide 2: Background
Slide 3: Joint Task Force
Slide 4: What Is Cybersecurity?
Slide 5: Bases for Guidelines
Slide 6: The Model
Slide 7: Knowledge Areas
Slide 8: Knowledge Areas
Slide 9: The Knowledge Areas
Slide 10: Overlap
Slide 11: Example: Software Security
Slide 12: Example: Software Security
Slide 13: Example: Topic Validation
Slide 14: Example: Data Security KA
Slide 15: Example: Cryptography (KU) Topics
Slide 16: Cross-Cutting Concepts
Slide 17: The Concepts
Slide 18: The Concepts
Slide 19: Disciplinary Lens
Slide 20: The Disciplines
Slide 21: Guidelines and Professional Practice
Slide 22: Application Areas
Slide 23: Conclusion
Slide 24: Acknowledgements
Slide 25: Web Site
Slide 26: A Contrarian View