Notes for February 26, 1997
Regrade of midterm
Working on Homework 2
Puzzle of the day
Preparing for a career as a security expert
Theme: military model does not provide enough controls for commercial
fraud, etc. because it does not cover the right aspects of integrity
Data items: "Condtrained Data Items" (CDI) to which the model
applies, "Unconstrained Data Items (UDIs) to which no integrity
checks are applied, "Integrity Verification Procedures" (IVP)
that verify conformance to the integrity spec when IVP is run,
"Transaction Procedures" (TP) takes system from one
well-formed state to another
Certification and enforcement rules:
C1. All IVPs must ensure that all CDIs are in a valid state when the
IVP is run
C2. All TPs must be certified to be valid, and each TP is assocated
with a set of CDIs it is authorized to manipulate
E1. The system must maintain these lists and must ensure only those TPs
manipulate those CDIs
E2: The system must maintain a list of User IDs, TP, and CDIs that that TP can
manipulate on behalf of that user, and must ensure only those executions
are preformed.
C3. The list of relations in E2 must be certified to meet the separation of duty
E3. The sysem must authenticate the identity of each user attempting to execute
a TP.
C4. All TPs must be certified to write to an append-only CDI (the log) all
information necessary to resonstruct the operation.
C5. Any TP taking a UDI as an input must be certified to perform only valid
transformations, else no transformations, for any possible value of the UDI.
The transformation should take the input from a UDI to a CDI, or
the UDI is
rejected (typically, for edits as the keyboard is a UDI).
E4. Only the agent permitted to certify entities may change the list of such
entities associated with a TP. An agent that can certify an entity may not
have any execute rights with respect to that entity.
Chinese Wall
Theme: market analyst must uphold confidentiality requirements (no use
of insider knowledge) but can advise different corporations.
Data items: "objects" (axiomatic), "company
datasets" (CD; sets of objects belonging to a company),
"conflict of interest classes" (COI; sets of company datasets
for companies in competition)
Simple Security Property: Access is only granted if the object
requested (a) is in the same CD as an object already accessed by the
subject, or (b) belongs to an entirely different COI.
Can derive: if subject accesses object, only other objects in that same
CD can be accessed within the same COI. Also, subject has access to at
most one CD in each COI.
Sanitization: if it's sanitized then the model does not impose any restrictions.
*-Property: Write access is only granted if (a) access is permitted by
the simple security rule, and (b) no object can be read which is in a
different CD to the one for which write access is requested and
contains unsanitized information.
Can derive: the flow of unsanitized information is confined to its own
CD, but sanitized information may flow freely throughout system
BLP: not satisfactory. Say user A accesses company dataset B. But then
A is sick, so management has user C do the access. Not possible unless
we know for certain C has not accessed anything else in B's COI; BLP
doesn't save this info. Also, BLP fixes what datasets a subject can
access; the Wall allows access.
Clark-Wilson: can model it exactly.
Next topic: network security
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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 2/27/97