Notes for February 2, 1998
- Greetings and felicitations!
- Reading: Pfleeger, pp.228-253; Garfinkel & Spafford, pp. 71-137
- Puzzle
- Point is that root introduces a security flaw by its existance;
secure systems don't have them
- User identification
- Go through UNIX idea of "real", "effective", "saved", "audit"
- Go through notion of "role" accounts; cite Secure Xenix, DG, etc.
- Go through PPNs (TOPS-10) and groups
- Review least privilege
- Privilege in Languages
- Nesting program units
- Temporary upgrading of privileges
- Different forms of access control
- UNIX method
- ACLs: describe, revocation issue
[ ended here ]
- MULTICS rings: (b1, b2) access bracket - can access freely; (b2, b3)
call bracket - can call segment through gate; so (4, 6, 9) as example
- Capabilities: file descriptors in UNIX
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Page last modified on 2/14/98