Class News and Announcements
- I've posted the section 1 scores and the section 2 scores that I have recorded. (We're still doing the regrades, though.) Please check yours to be sure we got them right!
- Dr. Jim Just, of Teknowledge Corporation, will be talking in section 1 (the
morning class) on Friday, March 1, 2002, about intrusion tolerance, and about
the HACQIT project.
- The midterm is postponed until Wednesday, February 11, 2002.
- Dr. Fred Cohen, of Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Haven,
will be talking to section 2 (the afternoon class) on Friday, February 15, 2002,
about some research in deception, and about the Sandia project.
These are for the instructor and TAs only. Please do not post to them!
If you want to post something for the class, or for a particular section, please
use the discussion newsgroups below.
- Class Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153
- Section 1 Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153.sec1
- Section 2 Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153.sec2
Discussion Newsgroups
Please feel free to post to these newsgroups. We (the instructor and TAs)
read these, and we'll try to answer any questions you ask. We may post the answer
in these newsgroups, or in one of the above groups.
- Class Discussion Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153.d
- Section 1 Discussion Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153.sec1.d
- Section 2 Discussion Newsgroup: ucd.class.ecs153.sec2.d