Reading: [Bis11] (This is available in the Resources area of SmartSite; look in the folder ``Handouts''}, §29
Due: Homework #1, due April 12, 2013
Discussion question. In 2003, Senato Orin Hatch said he wanted copyright holders to be able to use special-purpose hardware to prevent piracy. The following paragraph is quoted from the PoliTech mailing list, and is dated June 19, 2003, at 10:12AM:
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT, said he was drafting legislation to require devices in PCs permitting the destruction of hardware used for widescale copyright infringement by sending a secret command to the remote computer. A copyright holder would be required to offer two warnings before the “kill switch” was activated and the computer destroyed or permanently disabled, Hatch said.
Lecture outline.
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