Lecture 1 Outline

Reading: text, §1

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. About the class
  2. Basic components of computer security
    1. Confidentiality
    2. Integrity
    3. Availability
  3. Classes of threats
    1. Disclosure
    2. Deception
    3. Disruption
    4. Usurpation
  4. Policy vs. mechanism
    1. Policy
    2. Mechanism
  5. Goals of security
    1. Prevention
    2. Detection
    3. Recovery
  6. Trust and Assumptions
  7. Types of mechanisms: secure, precise, broad
  8. Assurance
    1. Specification
    2. Design
    3. Implementation
    4. Maintenance and operation
  9. Human issues
    1. Organizational problems
    2. People problems

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