Week 1: | Dates: Apr. 3, Apr. 5, Apr. 7 |
| Topics: Access control matrix, safety question |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §2, 3.1–3.4; papers [TL13,Z+05] |
Week 2: | Dates: Apr. 10, Apr. 12, Apr. 14 |
| Topics: Expressive power of models; security policies |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §3.5, 4; paper [Bi96] |
Week 3: | Dates: Apr. 17, Apr. 19, Apr. 21 |
| Topics: Confidentiality policies; assurance |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §5, A; text, § 18; papers [D+06,Sa93,Mi79] |
| Due: Apr. 17: homework #1; Apr. 19: select project |
Week 4: | Dates: Apr. 24, Apr. 26, Apr. 28; |
| Topics: More assurance; integrity, availability policies |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §6–6.2, 6.4; text, 19; paper [E+03] |
Week 5: | Dates: May 1, May 3, May 5 |
| Topics: Availability, hybrid policies |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §8; papers [J+11,Li89,LO10] |
| Due: May 1: homework #2 |
Week 6: | Dates: May 8, May 10, May 12 |
| Topics: Other policy models, information flow policies |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §8, 17; papers [A+10,WB04] |
| Due: May 12: project progress report |
Week 7: | Dates: May 15, May 17, May 19 |
| Topics: Information flow mechanisms, covert channels |
| Reading: Chapters from revised text §17, 18; papers [B+07,S+06,SA06] |
| Due: May 15: homework #3 |
Week 8: | Dates: May 22, May 24, May 26 |
| Topics: Noninterference, nondeducibility, restrictiveness |
| Reading: text, §8; papers [D+11,KR02,Ma02] |
Week 9: | Dates: May 31, June 2 [May 29: Memorial Day (university holiday)] |
| Topics: to be arranged |
| Reading: to be arranged |
Week 10: | Dates: June 5, June 7 [June 7 is last class] |
| Topics: Insider threat; elections and voting |
| Reading: papers [B+09,HP11,O+17] |
| Due: June 5: homework #4 |
June 7: | Due: Completed project due at 8:00pm |