April 17, 2017 Outline
Reading: Chapters from revised text §4, 5
- Secure, precise
- Observability postulate
- Theorem: for any program p and policy c, there is a secure, precise mechanism m* such that, for all security mechanisms m associated with p and c, m ≈ m*
- Theorem: There is no effective procedure that determines a maximally precise, secure mechanism for any policy and program
- Bell-LaPadula Model: intuitive, security classifications only
- Show level, categories, define clearance and classification
- Lattice: poset with ≤ relation reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive; greatest lower bound, least upper bound
- Apply lattice
- Set of classes SC is a partially ordered set under relation dom with glb (greatest lower bound), lub (least upper bound) operators
- Note: dom is reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric
- Example: (A, C) dom (A′, C′) iff A ≤ A′ and C ⊆ C′;
lub((A, C), (A′, C′)) = (max(A, A′), C ∪ C′); and
glb((A, C), (A′, C′)) = (min(A, A′), C ∪ C′)
- Simple security condition (no reads up), *-property (no writes down), discretionary security property
- Basic Security Theorem: if it is secure and transformations follow these rules, it will remain secure
- Maximum, current security level
- Bell-LaPadula: formal model
- Elements of system: si subjects,
oi objects