Blog Warning

The next page will take you to my personal blog. It contains pretty much anything I want to write there, which may or may not be related to my work. My postings may be enjoyable, aggravating, quirky, or just plain ornery. Read it at your own risk!
It is in no way supported by, sanctioned by, or on the radar of, the University of California, the state or federal government, our chickens, or by anyone in authority.
Okay, you have been warned. Now, choose one of the following:
I fully understand the warning. Now, take me to Matt’s blog.
Individual blog posts
- September 4, 2020: Don’t Vote Twice
- November 23, 2018: Computer Security: Art and Science, Second Edition
- January 21, 2017: About Those Post-Election Audits …
- November 10, 2016: Some Thoughts on the Recent Election
- October 19, 2016: Oh, Those Presidential Debates!
- September 8, 2016: Customers as Shareholders
- August 9, 2016: Certification, Software, and People
- September 1, 2015: Two Thoughts on Government-Required “Back Doors”
- June 17, 2014: The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and California Senate Bill SB-828
- May 26, 2014: Save the Davis Flora!
- December 30, 2013: On Features, Bugs, and Trapdoors
- June 21, 2013: 1982 E-Voting Systems in Science Fiction
- June 3, 2013: Jeffrey Hunker: A Personal Memory
- May 20, 2013: A Thought on the Proposed Built-In Wiretap Capability
- May 10, 2013: Internet Voting? Not Yet — From an Election Point of View
- April 24, 2013: Why A Pilot Internet Voting Project Won’t Tell Us What We Need to Know
- April 22, 2013: About Internet Voting
- Mar. 4, 2013: Our Trip to India, Feb 22 – Mar 4, 2013
- Dec. 3, 2011: R. I. P. Fur: That Most Wonderful Cat (revised Dec. 23, 2011)
- Nov. 25, 2011: Assurance Evidence of the Airport Scanner Software?
- Nov. 20, 2011: Another Thought About the UC Davis Incident
- Nov. 20, 2011: An Opportunity Missed on the UC Davis Quad
- Nov. 17, 2011: Update to SOPA thoughts from Nov. 16, 2011
- Nov. 16, 2011: Random Thoughts on SOPA
- July 24, 2011: The Best of Humanity
- June 26, 2011: Way to go, New York!
- June 26, 2011: Hello!