Workshop on GENI and Security: Executive Summary




The goal of the Workshop on GENI and Security was to engage the security community in GENI’s design and prototyping, to ensure that security issues are properly considered during its development. The specific issues of interest were:

  1. What classes of experiments should GENI support, and what capabilities will GENI require in order to support them?
  2. How can GENI itself be secured and protected from attack? Moreover, how can those networks and cyberphysical mechanisms connected to GENI be protected from attacks originating from GENI, or malfunctioning GENI experiments?
An additional goal of the workshop was to encourage the security community to respond to a solicitation for GENI analysis and prototyping proposals released in mid‐December by the GENI Projects Office.


Support for this work was provided through the National Science Foundation under Award CNS-0646965. Opinions expressed, conclusions drawn, and recommendations provided do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation