Report: Report on the Workshop on GENI and Security




The Workshop on GENI and Security, held at the University of California at Davis on January 22–23, 2009. Its goal was to engage the security community in GENI’s design and prototyping, to ensure that security issues are properly considered during its development. The workshop was designed to discuss questions such as: What security-related experiments would researchers like to run on GENI, and what benefit would they expect from those experiments? What constraints or requirements would they need to carry out the experiments? How can GENI shield other experiments and work being done using GENI from the effects of those experiments? How can successful attacks against GENI be prevented? An additional goal was to encourage the submission of security-related proposals in response to a request for GENI analysis and prototyping proposals. The participants were enthusiastic about the GENI project, and had a myriad of ideas about security and GENI. In addition, many responses to the solicitation for GENI analysis and prototyping proposals were received.


Support for this work was provided through the National Science Foundation under Award CNS-0646965. Opinions expressed, conclusions drawn, and recommendations provided do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation